Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vintage Children's Book

I have a small collection of children's books that relate to tea.
Dotty Dolly's Tea Party is a treasure found in
a local antique shop.
Needless to say Dolly's tea party ended in a pile
of broken dishes with the naughty black cat
upsetting the table. I think the black cat had a
tasty treat to lick off his paws.


Annie Jeffries said...

This is so sweet. It reminds me of something I have on my bookshelf. I shall have to go looking for it.

Rosemary said...

This is a precious book! Thanks for sharing.

La Tea Dah said...

OH, oh, oh, oh, oh --- I am in love! What a beautiful, beautiful book!

Jamie Payne-Timas said...

Hello! I was so, so happy to find that you have a copy of Dotty Dolly's Tea Part. I grew up next door to an older couple that "adopted" me as their grand daughter. I visited daily for years. They taught me so much. They had a beautiful library and I always chose this particular book every single time I visited to have read to me. I only recently remembered the name of the book as I was 4 years old when we moved next door & am now 44. Are you willing to part with your copy? It would mean so much to me to have it & share with my daughters.