Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Time is Near

 The time is near.
Christmas Eve has arrived.
 I lift a cup of Christmas tea sending wishes
of delight, enchantment, and of JOY.
Settle into a comfy chair with a book.
Savor each moment of the day.
Hug those around you with the warmth of the season.
Hold onto each DELIGHT.
Push the sadness away.
Allow PEACE in your heart.
Sing and Dance for celebration time is here.
Celebrate whether you are only one
or in a crowd.
Celebrate the day!


Adrienne said...

Merry Christmas, dear friend. My kitchen is busy this morning but afternoon may - just might - hold time for tea and a bit of quiet before family arrives for the evening. Wishing you much joy as you celebrate this special time of year!

Angela McRae said...

Why do I love pictures of books in a chair? I don't know, but I simply do. Maybe it's because I have quite a few chairs with books on them in my house!